I'm Ready!

Ready to take your First Next Step? Let us know!

We've Got Your Back!

No matter what next step you're ready for we've got your back! Whether you're brand new to church or to Real Life or you're coming back after being away, we want to help you take every next step on your faith journey. And that faith journey begins with your first faith step.

What it means to follow Jesus...

It's not that complicated. Individuals who followed Jesus in the bible did just that. They started following Jesus. It looked a little different for each person but there were some common actions. They all expressed belief, typically with their actions, sometimes with their words. They all had some internal or external moment of confession and repentance, meaning they recognized their past sin and changed the direction of their lives by following Jesus. And they were all baptized. Really. While we're not specifically told about each individuals moment of belief or confession/repentance we are told that each one was baptized (happens 9 times in the book of Acts).

So it's pretty simple, if you want to follow Jesus, start following Jesus. Do what Jesus did. We say it like this, look more like Jesus every day. There's no magic prayer, no blood oath, you don't have to memorize some creed. You just start following Jesus. And that comes by doing the things Jesus did. Praying for direction and strength to withstand evil. Reading your bible and listening for God to speak through His Word. Join with others following Jesus in a local bible-believing church. Find a small group, serve, love others. It's not complicated but it can be difficult.

Coming Back After Some Time Away?

First, don't feel embarrassed. Seriously! So many people never take this step because they think others will look down upon them. Who cares what they think! This is between you and Jesus. The reasons why someone rededicates their life are numerous. For some, they accepted Jesus at such a young age that they didn't fully understand what they were doing. For others, they might have understood, but the circumstances of life led them away. Whatever the reason, this is a great step to take. Just fill out the form below and we'll contact you as soon as possible to walk you through this decision.

Ready To Take The Plunge?

The very first next step every follower of Jesus should take is the physical act of obedience in baptism. If you aren't willing to obey Jesus and follow His example in baptism, what other areas will you choose not to follow Him?

Jesus was baptized and every person in the bible, whose conversion we're told about (see Acts), was baptized. However, baptism can be a little confusing. And we get that. That's why, if you've got questions, click HERE and check out our baptism resource page. If you've still got questions, email us at hello@reallifecc.us and we'll be in touch.

But for now, If you're ready to take that next step of baptism, either for the first time or as a means of rededicating yourself to following Jesus, just fill out the form below and check baptism. We'll contact you to get your baptism scheduled.